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Los Santos Police Departament - Cerere rank-up / Clear FW

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Los Santos Police Departament - Cerere rank-up / Clear FW Empty Los Santos Police Departament - Cerere rank-up / Clear FW

Mesaj Scris de KenZor2k18 Dum Noi 18, 2018 1:27 pm

Pentru a evita discutiile de genul "cand imi dai rank-up" am creat acest topic.

ATENTIE! : Un lider nu este obligat sa raspunda la cereri sau sa acorde rank-upul.

Cerinte pentru a putea primii rank-up:

• Sunteti destul de activ.
• Nu injurati / amenintati / jigniti.

• Nu aveti reclamatii serioase.
• Respectati liderul cat si membrii.

• Aveti minimul de zile necesare pentru rank up.

• Nu aveti niciun faction warn.

Metoda ranking:

-- Rank 2 se poate primi după 14 zile de la intrarea în facțiune.
-- Rank 3 se poate primi după 7 zile de la ultima promovare.
-- Rank 4 se poate primi după 7 zile de la ultima promovare.
-- Rank 5 se poate primi după 21 zile de la ultima promovare.

ATENTIE! : Primiti rank-up doar daca meritati, nu este obligatoriu.

Pentru a face o cerere de rank-up trebuie sa indepliniti urmatoarele conditii:

Sa aveti minimul de zile necesare pentru rank-ul care urmeaza sa il primiti. Verificati pe PANEL.

Nu aveti voie sa cereti "rank-up" ''clearfw" ! Se sanctioneaza cu FW / Demitere!

Dupa ce faceti cerere nu trimiteti PM / SMS sau discutati despre asta pe chatul factiunii . Se sanctioneaza cu FW / Demitere!

Model de cerere rank-up:

Nick pe server:

Rank detinut:

Data cand ai primit ultima data rank up:

Ai fost sanctionat cu faction warn(FW) pana acum? Daca DA cate si in ce data l-ai primit?:

Alte precizari?:

Model de cerere clear-fw:

Nick pe server:

Cate Fw-uri ai?:

Data primirii FWului:

Alte precizari?:

English forum:

Rank-up requests:

Ranking method:

-- Rank 2 can be earned after 14 days since you joined the faction.
-- Rank 3 can be earned after 7 days from your last promotion.
-- Rank 4 can be earned after 7 days from your last promotion.
-- Rank 5 can be earned after 21 days from your last promotion.

Atention: You can get rank-up ONLY if you deserve it, it's not obligatory.

Rank-up you can get if:

*Be active enough.
*Do not injure, threaten, offended.
*Do not have open complaints when requesting a rank up.
*Respect the leader and the members.
*Have the days to get the rank-up.
*Have the full report.

Terms of application:

*Have the minimum days for the rank you are about to receive.
*If you get FW to add another 7 days to the minimum days required for a rank-up, a FW can only be cleared after that member receives a rank-up.
*You do not expect to receive a rank-up if you do not make a claim on this topic, who does not apply does not receive a rank-up / rank-up + clear.
*It is your job to calculate the number of days required for a rank-up.
*The leader is not required to give you a rank-up.
*You only get rank-up when the leader thinks you deserve this.

Posting template:

Nick on the server:
Date when you got the last date rank up:
Do you have faction warn (FW) ?:
Did you make a request for inactivity? If so, how many days have you been invoiced ?:
Do you have a completed activity report ?:
Other specifications?:

Application Model Clear FW:

Nick on the server:


How many FWarns do you have?:

On what date did you receive the FW?

Developer Forum

Mesaje : 22
Data de înscriere : 18/11/2018

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